A ghost was cleaning my friends apartment, now she’s dead (Scary Story)

 A ghost was cleaning my friends apartment, now she’s dead 

Ghost was cleaning my Friend and she died


Hi internet, my name is Kayli. Last week, my friend Raegan died. I found the following article on her laptop after it was seized. I want to share it as I know this happened and want to share her story. If anyone has experienced anything like this, please comment so that I can gather more evidence to prevent this from happening again. Here is what I found:

I don’t want to complain, but a ghost is cleaning my apartment.

When it first started 10 months ago, it was just small things. I would wake up to my toothbrush being in its holder instead of on the counter where I thought I left it, go to put my shoes on and find that the shoe rack is neatly organized - things that were easy to miss. I am a forgetful person and was proud of myself for cleaning without even remembering doing it. 

Things slowly escalated from there. I would come home from work to find my bed made, my kitchen cleaned, my dishwasher emptied, make-up on my desk put away, etc. At this point I was confused, I am not a clean person – especially in the morning when I am acting like the Tazmanian Devil trying to get ready and leave on time. I wouldn’t be surprised if my landlord came in to fix something and thought my apartment had been robbed.

Haunted house

I have always been a relatively messy person, however, my self-care started declining in college and hasn’t improved since. I am lucky if I can shower AND brush my teeth on the same day. I decided to purposely leave big messes and take pictures of them before going to work to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. The first time I did this, I decided it would be best to start somewhere that was likely to be a mess so whoever/whatever was cleaning wouldn’t think I was onto them.

I started in the kitchen. I made a point to not wash my dishes after making dinner the night before or breakfast that morning before I left for work. I took a picture and made sure there was a timestamp on it - March 7th, 2023 6:43AM 

I wasn’t sure how to feel on my way home from work. Should I be excited that my biggest struggle was being taken care of, or should I be terrified that my biggest struggle was being taken care of by someone other than me? My heart pounded and my brain played the Jaws theme song as I walked down the hallway to my unit. My peripheral vision disappeared and everything was spinning until I saw my door, #011. I paused before sticking my key in the lock, did I really want to do this? What if I was imagining it and I walk into a big mess I have to clean up? What if there really is someone sneaking in to clean? 

I unlocked the door with shaky hands. I closed my eyes as I slowly turned the knob – I didn’t want to open them. There was a voice in my head telling me that it was too late to walk out now, so I tilted my head up towards the ceiling before opening my eyes. I stayed like that for an indeterminate amount of time before one of my doors creaked. I whipped my head towards the noise only to discover not only a spotless kitchen, but a spotless apartment. I stared in shock and awe until I thought I felt breath on my neck. I spun so fast that I thought I was going to faint, and right before I fell I heard something whisper into my ear:

“You’re welcome”

That’s all I remember before waking up in my perfectly made bed. I stared at the ceiling for hours, thinking about what to do next. I decided to text my best friend, Kayli. She was into spooky and witchy shit – she had to know what to do.

R: “Hey, u got time to chat rn?

K:“Yeah, what’s up?” 

R: “Weird shit is going on at my place rn and ur the only one who might be able to help”

K: “Um, okay?

R: “Someone is cleaning my apartment”

K:“And this is bad…?”

R: “That someone is not me”

K: “Again, this is bad because…? R:“What if its a murderer? Or a ghost?”

K: “Girl why would a murderer be cleaning

your apartment?”

R: “Dude idk do I look like i know the inner workings of a murderer”

K: “Why don’t you just set up some cameras

K: To see if someone is coming in to do it?”

R: “What if it is a ghost? Wouldn’t it get mad?”

K: “You won’t know until you try”

R: “Can’t you just come over and do

some of your spooky shit??”

K: “Um no I am not wasting my precious energy on your serial killer”

K: “Set up the cameras, if it looks wack

then we’ll talk”

I sighed before exiting the messaging app and opening up Amazon. I searched ‘small security camera’ and scrolled through the results until I found one with over 4 stars and Prime 2-day delivery. As promised by lord Jeff Bezos, my camera arrived 2 days later. I decided to put the camera in my room as this was the place most likely to become messy quickly. After placing it under my nightstand, I went to work leaving piles of clothes on the floor and blankets tangled up on my bed.

I could not focus at work all day. All I could think about was what was happening at home. I tried my best, but at the end of the day I got nothing done.

At exactly 4pm I quickly clocked out and sprinted to my car. I started it as fast as I could and didn’t even bother to put on any music. I parked and ran up to my apartment so fast I didn’t even grab my things. My hands were too shaky to open the door at first, but I got it on my third try.

I ran to my room, I didn’t even bother to take my shoes off. I did not find what I was expecting. 

My room was still a disaster, and on top of the pile was my camera. It was broken beyond repair, the memory card missing. I turned to leave and noticed a note taped to my door, it said in scribbled handwriting:


That was enough for me.

I know it sounds like I was overreacting, but I moved. Packed up my shit and left. Someone was coming into my home and I was not safe. I stayed with Kayli for a while, and I found a new apartment that was relatively inexpensive. It was not anything like my old apartment, it was small and cramped with small windows that let in very little natural light. I didn’t care, it was better than being unsafe. I lived in my clutter again, and as bad as it sounds I missed whoever was cleaning my apartment.

I guess you get what you wish for.

After 6 weeks, I came home to a clean apartment.

I could not believe it, I freaked out and called Kayli immediately. She didn’t pick up, I tried calling 3 more times until I remembered she was out camping with her new boyfriend of the month. 

I hate to say it, but I was equally thankful and terrified. My apartment was clean, but I was unsafe again. I can’t afford to move, so I decided to stay. I wasn’t experiencing anything crazy physically, so I accepted whatever was cleaning and went about my life.

Until yesterday, 2 years after I moved in into my apartment.

I came home to my incredibly clean apartment, made dinner without bothering to wash the dishes, and went to bed. I have a bad habit of just jumping into my bed without bothering to pull the covers off the bed, so I did as habit told me to. As soon as I did so, I was struck with a blinding pain in my leg. I rolled off my bed and felt a stabbing pain as something slid out of my thigh. 

There was a knife sticking out of my comforter. 

I decided to ask Kayli to perform a seance. 

She came over at 7pm on the dot. She told me that it had to be 7 so that God would protect us from harm. She brought many items: dice, chicken bones, paper and pencils, candles, and an ouija board (of course). We decided to start with the board.

We did the ritual and put our hands on the planchet. She asked the first question:

“Is there a spirit here with us?”

My heart lurched when the planchet moved.


I couldn’t tell if I should laugh or scream. Either way, I thought I was going to piss my pants.

“Come-on, you ask one now” Kayli hissed. 

“Uh, okay… are you the one cleaning my apartment?”


I stole a glance at Kayli. Her eyes were wide and unmoving so I kept asking questions.



Okay, rude. “I know that, but why are you doing it for me?”


“But I thought you said you were cleaning my apartment?”


“What? Who are you cleaning it for then?”

M E 

“Why the knife then?”


“Warning me about what?”

T R Y 


With that, the planchet flew off the board. Kayli and I sat in silence for a bit before turning to look at eachother. As we sat in silence, Kayli collected her things and left without a word.

I decided to take the spirit’s advice. While I was not perfectly clean, I did at least put in an effort. The spirit took care of the rest.

Kayli and I are still best friends, but she stopped dabbling in the supernatural. We didn’t talk about that night.

So, a ghost is helping me clean my apartment - and I couldn’t be happier.

It’s Kayli again. The end of Raegan’s story might seem like everything was going to be okay. It was not. She started becoming obsessive over cleaning, refusing to leave her apartment because she was terrified of any type of mess. She stopped letting me come over, and when we did talk over the phone she would only talk about how much she needed to clean. The last time we spoke was right before the event detailed in the newspaper clipping I have attached below. I had brought her some food and dropped it off at her door. After about an hour, she texted me:


I tried to text back, but she had blocked me. I miss her so much, I am not doing well and I’m letting myself go. My fridge is full of food that has gone bad, I haven’t done my laundry since I last heard from Raegan and it looks like a construction crew is working in my living room.

Thankfully, someone has decided to start helping me :)

*Newspaper clipping from January 15, 2016*


Last night, Raegan Hartfield, 24, was found in her bathtub at 2:45pm by police. A neighbor had complained of the apartment smelling like bleach. Police entered the apartment and found Hartfield dead in her bathtub. She was bathing in cleaning supplies and the cause of death was ingestion of poison. She will be missed by friends and family.

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